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Free ebook - how to find your first business idea

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Ebook - How to find your first business idea

Find your first business idea

Success is a skill just like football or tennis. And just like sport, you'll get much better at it if you know the rules and practice the right techniques. Discover what makes a business successful and you'll never run out of ideas that make money.


9 success mindsets

A mindset is a collection of beliefs and principles that define what's acceptable and what's the right thing to do, when nobody is looking.

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6 innovation strategies

You don't need Nobel prize-winning patents to run your business better than competition. Learn the simple strategies you can start applying immediately.

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3 lifestyle choices

Not everyone wants to blog in their sweatpants. Not everyone wants to lease an office and have staff on payroll. Certain business models are better suited to certain lifestyles.

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5 business archetypes

Learn the advantages and dangers of five archetypes of business at the root of any idea.

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9 marketing tactics

What you sell is not always what you market. Learn 9 tactics to turn strangers into customers.

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Idea grid

Learn how to combine 3 simple factors to generate over 100 different business models for any idea.

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A good idea is not always a good business

When you know how to build a business, you'll have no shortage of ideas

A business needs three ingredients to succeed: a customer, a problem, and strong execution. The market needs to be big enough to allow for scale. The problem needs to be bad enough so people pay money to make it go away. And your ability to identify these opportunities and act on them is the most important part.

Success is when opportunity meets preparation, and lucky for you, there is no shortage of opportunities in the world. If you are just starting out, your main objective is to master the foundations, so you can build any business in any niche.

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About Vlad

My name is Vlad Khomutov and just like a personal trainer that helps everyday people become athletes, I help regular people become entrepreneurs. In the past twenty years, I founded eight technology companies, two consulting agencies, helped more than twenty startups go to market, and made products for some of the world's biggest brands like Visa, BMW, and Disney.

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