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E-commerce boot camp

Join a group of entrepreneurs for a 4-week hands-on live training. Find a niche, build a store, and start making sales in 30 days or less.

Start now

Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back


Week 1
Find your niche

Find a niche, research, and select products, and create a brand strategy to differentiate yourself from the competition successfully.

Start now


Week 2
Build a store

Define effective site structure, find and customize a theme, learn to identify purchase intent and make design decisions to influence customers’ triggers.

Start now


Week 3
Create content

Learn how to find, process, and optimize product photography and write benefit-driven product descriptions, social proof, and site performance.

Start now


Week 4
Start selling

Launch your store, prepare and launch your marketing campaign, and implement growth strategies.

Start now

Who is it for?

E-commerce boot camp is perfect for anyone who wants to start, optimize, and scale a Shopify store. No prior e-commerce, design, or technical experience is required, but it helps.

to Shopify?

If you are a Shopify beginner working on your first store, this boot camp is a perfect starting place to launch with an amazing store experience!

Launch your store →

to make sales?

If you have a Shopify store that doesn’t make enough sales — or any sales at all — this program is a must. Transform and optimize your store.

Make your first sale →


If your revenue plateaued or your customer acquisition cost is too high, we can help you optimize marketing funnel and checkout flow.

Optimize your funnels →

Start here

Start with a free online course to learn what it takes to be an entrepreneur.

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